Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I guess I can't say what ever I want. if you offend someone. by saying the truth. hey that's not right how dare you say something that might offend someone. and when you do offend someone they want to find you and beat you up or worse. but that's ok. I guess a baseball bat to the head is nothing compared to offensives such as words, the truth. honesty, those are wrong but hey I can get a big crowed of people and picket outside your place of business or home and throw rocks at you or burn a cross in your front yard. but hey don't throw words at me cause thats the worst offense ever. drag them word thrower into a dark ally and beat him/or her to death. That's ok. because you didn't throw words or the truth out there.

Come on people. Think about it.

1 comment:

John Cowart said...

It's your blog; you can say whatever you want.

That little thing called Freedom Of Speech is protected by the Constitution. Whether I agree with what you say or not, you still have the right to say it.