Monday, August 13, 2007

Lawsuits and bandaids

Today was at the station, A few runs nothing to get excitied about. Some people think that just because you dial 911 and a fire engine and rescue unit show up that it makes for great law suit material.

You see in this world you have two types (many but for this blog two) The ones who believe that you should have to work for what you get and those that just want to take the easy road "Settelment" sure why work when you can sue. and that's why they call rescue to make it look good on paper.

When I took this job I felt like I wanted to help people. whom were sick or injured. not fatten their wallet.

Annabug is doing good today she spent the day with the babysitter, slept till noon so she is full of energy, to bad mom is not.

Where are the days of firefighting and Saving lives. I guess no one really wants to hear about the non-excititing life of medical calls to someone whom does not have insurance and needs a ride to the emergency room to get antibotics for their ear infection or a bandage for the cut to their hand.
Well not going to rattle on about the boreing stuff. just leave it at that.

Keep the faith.


Amrita said...

hello Mike got to your blog thru john. Wow you 're a fire fighter...a real hero in my sight. I couldn 't put out a matchstick.
God bless you and your family

pai said...

Hey Mike and Annabug! I'm Jenn's brother's wife and I loved reading what you had to say. Keep it up and if you keep trying you are bound to get it right with your family! Most importantly you are showing them your love.

Hope to meet you some day!
