Friday, August 24, 2007

My hands are tied

After spending many hours on the phone last night, (about 20mins with a friend) I realized that sometimes changes is not always good.
It's like this, Paramedic have always done more things than an EMT can do. They start IV's and push medications and intubate as well as learn how to read cardiac rhythems on the monitor. And a few advanced skills needed for other emergency, And don't get me wrong that's what they went to paramedics school for. but the down side to this first the school. (9 months) and the fact that they are stuck in rescue for the rest of their career. as well as the headache of dealing with more report writing, So I guess it's not all the glamor that it sounds like.
Now I have riden with a lot of paramedics in my time on the job. and most will tell you they would rather have a good EMT with them when the stuff hit's the fan. And most EMT want to do a little bit more to make both jobs a little bit easier to do. So what's the problem well we (EMT) like our job we ride a combat company and go on all kinds of calls from bloody noses to child birth. I have seen more in my time then I ever care to share (MY CURSE) but throught it all I have strived to learn more to do more with out taking the paramedics progam. I just don't want to be one. I like what I do.
So here comes the hand tie. a directive was just put out stating the EMT were not to start IV. I know it sounds simple, but it's not. it's something that would make everyone's job easier, Check this out. 4:30am Engine and a rescue are called out to a male 40 years old unresponsive. apon arrival engine company find the wife up set that her husband won't wake up, after calming her down information is obtained that he is a diabetic, after checking his blood sugar level it's at 42 (normal is 80-120) which is why he now needs a boost of sugar. Since he won't wake up we can not give him anything by mouth. Now what? well I forgot to tell you that the rescue is comming from the hospital because durning the night they have had many calls and the next closet rescue is on the other side of the river so the rescue advises in route from the hospital. well that could take about 8 to 10 min's, Oh and don't forget the wife whom is waiting for you to do something to bring her husband out of this unresponsive state. NOPE CAN'T DO IT> I have all the stuff right there in my bag. IV's Dextrose50 it will give him what he needs. he could be up and talking by the time rescue get's there. Which means that the wife can take him to his doctor in the morning after feeding him and monitor him for the next couple of hours. But no. He will go to the hospital and set around there for about six hours clogging up the emergency room. where they will finaly tell him to go see his Regular doctor and sign him out 2 hours later.

Now that whole story was using a fictional charater I can not use real people in my story because I have a sworn oath that says I can't give out information, but this has happend more than 3 to 4 times a day everyday. Go to your local emergency room if you don't believe me. just look around. Now take this same story spread it out all of the city and you have rescues doning this all the time and transporting and clogging up the EMS system ,
So why does it not make scence to just give alittle more training and let us do what we know we can do. I tryed for seveal hours to rally support for this, so many people that I thought had a great education. and some level head understanding of the whole situation. I might as well have been talking to a wall. GOD I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!! So that's when I call my friend. maybe because he has a great way with words and maybe just a little weirdness about him that he might be able to help me put it into plain english. because I speak russian so well that now one here can understand me. lol.....
So John. I am sorry for the call. I just knew somehow you could help. and you did. and that's why I am writing this.

So please someone untie my hands and let me do what I am good at.

1 comment:

John Cowart said...

The calls you made to the chiefs and to me helped you vent and get this problem well thought out in your own head. As you've written it down here, the problem is much clearer than when you just talked about it.

You write better than you know.

The passion in your concern and the compassion in your heart comes through clear.

Good job.

You can not save the world (that job is already taken) but you've made a good start. Hang in there.