Friday, August 17, 2007

Part two

There we were. fire working it's way up the way. fireman posed to begin the fight. slowly he pulls the handle back on the nozzle and water begins to flow, sweeping from the ground up he pushes back the flames that now don't look so big. taking steps toward the building he pushes even harder until the fire retreats to smoke, the last of the flames fight hard to continue to burn but the determineation of the firefighter wins out, Now all that is left is to begin the tear down of the burned area trying to find any hidden fire inside the wall. Clean up and smoke removal to finish the job.

The other part of the job is not so glamouros but has to be done. now just a few minutes before the fire, we were in the cab picking on each other, cutting the fool as it were. perhaps the last meal that was cooked or something about the way he talks but to pick on each other is something we do. firefighters deal with something that most want to see until they see it then it's the worst thing to have ever seen. blood guts gore. death and distruction, the things that we have seen are always in our heads. the young girls just a few weeks ago that was shot dead center in the chest. Didn't have a chance in hell to survive (AK-47 automatic assualt rifle) took every chance this young lay had from ever growing up to be a mother,wife. friend. or who knows finds a cure for aids or SIDS. Guess we will never know. So with that and many other things in our memories, you have to understand we will laught joke play and even pour a bucket of water on the new recruits. but it's all done to bond just alittle closer, so that we can face the next nightmare.

We often don't get to leave our briefcase at work with all of our work in it. we don't take a shower and just wash off the dirt. hell we can't just tear out the page and start new. This is what we are and what we are willing to give up is more than anyone on the outside looking in will ever understand. So those quite rides back to the station from the hospital where we worked for 20min's trying to do everything in our power to give that girl a chance to grow up after she has been shot, stabbed, not including the ones we can't even fight for, The ones DOA, and you hear us cutting the fool. Well that's just our way of saying sometimes it's ok to laught and cry. But when the bells go off or the sight of smoke rising up in the air or that call for help from down the steet while were out washing the fire truck. How about just a head nod. We understand.

Where not hero's, Where not supermen. Where Husbands,Wives Dad's and Mom's.


John Cowart said...

Well said, Buckshot. Well said.

I'm glad you finished this entry; keep on writing.

Donald said...

That was awesome! Don't stop.