Monday, October 1, 2007

Missing out

This is for my good friend John. I guess that Jenn did not want to talk to me. I know that we have some bad blood between us and that's good for me. But you have met Anna and since then she has become more from the accident then she was then. And I guess that I wanted her to meet someone that I have a lot of Respect for. I know that sounds like a load but She has done so much and I guess that I wanted her to meet someone of her equal and at least give her something that she can build with. Jenn has some much to offer and with that she gave me alot. and I was just hoping that she could share with my daughter. But I guess selfless and selfish is just a matter of spelling. not what WWJD think about it. a woman of the street. and he treated her just like anybody else, no bad feelings

So Jen I am asking you. to please share with my daughter. Nothing more. What do you have to loose. ????

1 comment:

John Cowart said...

Hi Mike,
I did give your number to Jenn the day after you gave it to me.
She's out of town right now but I'll ask her to call again the next time I see her.

I really like this blog you are keeping and I hope to read more.

Give me a call whenever you get a chance. I have a favor to ask you about my fire history book. It's going great now that I finished Barbara White's set of books (yesterday).