Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What is true

Why is it, a man or men have decided what part of the bible is inportant to me? I am not sure what person is so inportant as they can tell me what part of the bible I should read. and what part they want to include in the bible? And as far as church goes. what a wonderful income I can have if I just say that I know God and I will get you closer. but do they really. No. they just keep the wallets full of those that find it easy to say, hey just follow me and I will show you the way for just $19.95 I will show you God but that's not all if you act now we will include these great set of bibles that have your initial's on them and we will rush deliver them to you in 4 to 6 weeks. offer not valid in the US or Canda.

So I ask you again. Who except God has any right to hide or tell me what part of The word of God I should read. Let me check. How many people read the bible and think that they will get into heaven based on what I have read. well just about anyone with $19.95. But hey that's not all if you act now. we will include ever lasting life. Gee does that not sound like real life. NO>LLL

So were is real faith. or do you have to check with the preacher. who lives in a house (very nice house) and drives a big nice car and well God does not want his preachers running around in some beat up peice of junk. or eating cat food. but hey that's what God want's

I just don't understand BLIND FAITH IN MAN> because when was the last time you stood up in church and asked the preacher anything during his speach about his life, when he sould be talking about GOD>

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