Thursday, September 6, 2007

Babies daddy

Sorry its been a few days since my last post. Sometimes I have to step back and reqroup. Sorry about the things I said in my last blog. And thank's John.

Now back to my life. Its not much but it's mine. today reminded me just how wonderful the gift of life is. Why yes, a little baby boy was born just 3 weeks a go to, I am guessing a very happy mom. Or was it. let me see, the mother just happends to be 13 yr's old. which she had to have a C-section because her pelvic area is not yet developed. so she can not pass a baby out of her vigina. And so that just makes me want to ask. Where is the babies daddy???? where is the proud father. who is this man out wandering the streets looking to father another baby maybe with your daughter.
Now you may not like what I have said here. but it's ok for the 13 yr old to have a baby and what about the sperm donor. bet you don't think he's a bad guy. you pass him on the street and he looks at you and your young daughter walking next to you and smiles back at you, and you smile at him. it's ok because he did not say bad things about people on the blog. just me because I am out spoken. I say what you don't want to hear. you just think I am such an ass. but hey the sperm donor whom takes no responsiblity for anything, and bleeds off of the goverment system. yes when that 13 yr old girl goes down for goverment help guess who is going to get a part of the money. and hey if he get's more girls knocked up then hey he has got a nice pay check.

So why do I show so much anger. why do I hate people that pull this kind of crap. And yet when the bell rings who will be out there doing what ever I can to make your suffering and pain go away. Who will have compassion when I come into your house tonite and find your husband or wife lying there lifeless on the bed. and you look into my eyes and, you look for hope. will the sperm donor be there. what about that football player that you watched tonite. No. I will be this really warm loving caring guy... who get's so mad at people. but I won't stop doing what I do best. try and make the pain go away.

I have honor and pride, I stand tall when people look at me. I am not ashamed. I turn the other cheek when people are mean to me. So why am I the one who feels I suffer. And what about my family whom I hide my life from. They don't know. And will never know.

Oh and by the way, while we were there with the 13 year old was having stomach pain. the mother of this 13 year old was shopping at wal-mart and could not be bothered with this young girls problems, she continued to shop and did not think anymore about her daughter. or did she. NO SHE DID NOT> she lives off the system and when she got her goverment chesse check she was going shopping and nothing was going to stop her not even her sick daughter. But I am the asshole.

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