Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How do we see you.

How do we see you. that is something that tells a tale.

First I want to know what we are? can anyone define us. ? what are we. John. help me here.
When I look at the human body I see veins. I see structral bone parts. I see what most people see with out seeing. I wish I could let eveyone know what I see. But with that if I did let everone see what I see. I don't think they would look. For me life is not that easy. I know to much. and then again I don't know enought.

I wish that I could put into words what it means to be able to see past the skin. and show the real people. I hope that john read this and gives me a chance to put into words what I am all about and tell my story.

1 comment:

John Cowart said...

Hi Mike,

Yes, I check your blog almost every day to see if you've added anything new.

And yes, you have insights worth sharing. You have things to say and you say them well.