Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To old friends

To an old friend.

There are times when I think, that I have been handed a bag of rotten tomatoes. But somehow I get soup. why is that? I have a 9 year old daughter that does not fit in with, the other girls in school. and feels that somehow this is her fault. That she needs the other girls to accept her. After the election she was expressing her opinon about what she felt was a bad choice of president elect. She believed that McCain was the better choice and that the other was a bad choice. I thought we had a right to say what we want to. But, my nine year old daughter was told she was wrong and she has been kicked out of the group of girls that she use to hang with.

I tryed to tell her that her light shines from within and not to let anyone else take that away from her. but to a young lady, who has more intelect that most adult's well, it's tough.

And as a father. It's not any better.

Going to spend time with her she is out of the shower.

Hope you read this John. And any father advise would be great.

Michael. Hopefully Your Friend.